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We are no longer collecting membership dues for UC Berkeley staff retirees. The board looked to the other retiree associations under the umbrella of the UC Berkeley Retirement Center (UCBRC). All three UC Berkeley Emeriti Association (UCBEA), Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (EX-Ls) and President’s and Regents’ Retiree Association Advocacy (PARRA) no longer collect dues payments, and all individuals who fall into an organization’s purview are considered members. Instead of dues, these three organizations depend on annual donations to sustain their operations. UCRAB is the last association to follow suit.

By July 1, 2021 the UCRAB Board has recommended that all retired Berkeley staff and non-Senate faculty (and their partners) will be included as members of UCRAB and that it move to a non-dues paying model. The By Laws will be revised to reflect this change. Questions regarding this proposed change can be directed to [email protected].  Thank you for your ongoing support!